Home Jobs High Paid Jobs in USA

High Paid Jobs in USA

The United states has the lists of best paid jobs in the world, if you’re curious to know about the highest paid jobs in the US, below are the first and most reliable data according to the 2020 Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Every ambitious persons will wants to work in any country with high paid jobs. So as the US, in every year a very high number of applicants Apply to work in the country due to the job security and the salary scales of their average earners in the country. They’re lots of jobs in the US that can give you a fitting pay, however they’re many who’s pay are optimally ridiculous depending on your qualification.

The following are the list of the highest paid jobs in the US according to the data from the 2020 Bureau of Labor Statistics.


The Anesthesiologist are the highest paid workers in the US with an average annual salary of about $271,440. These physicians are obliged to administer anesthesia before and after surgery in most cases, they may perform other clinical activities.

Obestricians and Gynecologist

Obestricians and gynecologist are one of the most paid salary earners in the US, they take home up to $239,120 annually. The Obestricians & Gynecologist are responsible for administering sick women, treat women disease taking care of childbirth and other women related diseases.


The Orthodontist are experts in the field of dentistry responsible for the diagnosis and treatments of dental malocclusions and oral cavity anomalies in all parts related to oral cavity.

These groups of experts are one of the most paid in the US as they take home nothing less than  $237,990 annually.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons

The Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons are experts in the dental field responsible for taking care of the treatments involving the jaws and other parts of the maxillofacial regions.

They’re equally ranked as one of the biggest paid in the US, according to 2020 Bureau of Labor Statistics, these experts take home up to $234,990 annually.

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Chief Executives

Among the highest paid workers in the US are the chief executives. The job is one of the most paid in the US with an average annual salary of up to $197,840

They’re responsible for managing companies and organizations. They draw policies and make most of the crucial decisions involving the organization, they many also take part in the recruitment of new workers and as well as supervising the activities of the workers.

Nurse Anaesthicians

In subordinate of the Physicians Anasthasia, the Nurse Anasthisians works hand in hand towards monitoring patients, supervise them before and after surgeries.

The Nurse Anasthasians also made it to the list of highest paid workers in the US, they’re rewarded up to about $189,190 annually.

Airline pilots, copilots, and flight engineers

These groups of experts are responsible for the navigation and accessing of air craft with the addition of the pilot who is responsible for flying planes. In the US they’re one of the most paid salary earners with an annual average salary of about $186,870

Computer and information systems managers

The Computer and information systems managers are professionals in the fields of computers and other information & electronic related areas. They’re responsible for processing of information, data analysis, computer programming and other related works

It is also one of the highest paid job in the US, the managers of Computer and information systems are paid up to about $161,730 yearly

Architectural and engineering managers

The Architectural and engineering managers are among the most paid workers in US according to the 2020 Bureau of Labor Statistics. They’re average annual take home is about $158,100 yearly

They’re experts responsible to direct, coordinate and taking of vital decisions in the fields of architectures and engineering in US.

Natural sciences managers

The Natural sciences managers are entitled to many obligations, they’re responsible for the assessment of other science fields like the life science, physical science, mathematics and other related fields.

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They’re handsomely paid according to the latest US labor statistics, they’re average annual salary is about $154,930

Marketing managers

These are managers in marketing organization responsible for coordinating, supervising, accessing and making marketing policies. They’re equally among the top most paid job in the US, they’re average annual salary is about $154,470

Petroleum Engineers

These experts are specialized is oil and gas exploration making sure they apply the best method to improve and explore oil and gases process. They’re also one of the highest paid workers in US, with the release of the 2020 salary statistics by Bureau of Labor Statistics they have an average annual salary of up to $154,330


Law is a noble profession in the US. They’re responsible for carrying out all the activities involving litigations by representing clients in court trial and other related jobs.

The lawyers are one of the most rewarded profession in the US, according to 2020 Bureau of Labor Statistics they’re average annual take home is about $148,910

Sales Manager

The sales managers are responsible for coordinating sales of properties, distribution to customers and supervising the activities of the workers in the process. They’re annual salary is about $147,580


It is very important to know that the medical field is wide and comprises of the highest most paid earners in the US, in reality all physicians and other few health related practitioners are among the list of highest most paid jobs in the US.

Clearly from the data, medical jobs are the most lucrative in US with Anesthesiologist making the list of highest paid physician in the country and subsequently followed by other medical related jobs. The data is a short summary of highest paid workers in US, the detail information is made available on the official website of the Bureau of Labor & Statistics.

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