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Canada Immigration Express Entry

The Canadian Express Entry Immigration program is the most popular and the most  leading immigration pathways to Canada, It is credibly reliable and hurdles free to trade with. The express entry program allow applicants from all over the world who are willing to immigrate to Canada and work there to have access to the country.

Through the Express Entry program, individuals can easily apply for immigration visa to Canada without he/she having a job offer from any Canadian employer In the country.

They’re many ways in which this can be done, depending on the categories of your skills and your choice of preference. All applications are given equal consideration as far as all conditions are met by every immigrants. The Canadian express entry program is categorized into three different divisions namely;

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Canadian Experience Class

Federal Skilled Worker Program

The federal worker program is one of the three divisions under the express entry program which requires nationals of other countries to work in Canada under some certain conditions.

The program is open to foreign experience workers who are willing to immigrate to Canada in other to work. The program is accessible through online registration and individuals eligibility is determined based on their Educational qualification, their language proficiency and the level of experience in their work field. The individuals are accessed based on the following factors:

  • Your age
  • Your level of education
  • Your work experience
  • whether you have a valid job offer or not
  • Your communication skills in either of the two Canadian official languages, English and/or French language

This is to say, You must take a language tests in English or French for the following fields and are expected to pass them all,

~ writing

~ reading

~ listening

~ speaking

You must have a minimum score of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 in all 4 abilities respectively

The minimum CR score for this program is normally 67 for all types of applicants and nationals. While they’re rare cases in which individuals may be granted the application without meeting the score, it is rather advisable for every meaning applicants to beat this score or surpass it so as to stand a better chance of gaining approval.

Other Requirements

  • Applicants must have worked in any of the following  National Occupational Classification (NOC) job groups and must have a credible and remarkable records
  • Professional jobs (skill level A)
  • Managerial jobs (skill type 0)
  • Technical jobs and skilled trades (skill level B)
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To be able to qualify for a Foreign work, the applicant must have a ten years experience, must be willing to work within the field he/she have worked before and above all, his/her work experience for the past years must be a paid service, unpaid internships are not counted during the process.

Applicants with students work experience can be counted as far as the student works within the minimum wage and completed the required working time stipulated for students workers.

  • For qualification, applicants who study in any institution in Canada must posses a certificate (degree or diploma) from any Canadian institution (high school) or any post-secondary institution of studies in the country. For applicants with foreign Education, you must obtain a complete credential and an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) for immigration from an organization indicating that your education is equal or more to a completed degree, diploma or any certificate from a Canadian secondary institution or post-secondary institution respectively.

Federal Skilled Trades Program

The Federal Skilled Trade Program is another division of the Canadian express entry immigration program specifically for immigrants wishing to trade in Canada.

This type of immigration program is basically for entrepreneurship and other business minded individuals wishing to live and work in Canada permanently. just like any other they’re many steps to obtaining residency status in Canada through this method.

Generally, in contrast to other express entry immigration, the federal skilled trade workers program usually determine their candidates eligibility status through accessing the following features;

  • Communication skills in the basic Canadian official language which is French and English. Applicants are required to meet up with the following Language proficiency skills,

~ writing

~ speaking

~ listening

~ reading

And must be able to have a minimum score of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 in all 4 abilities mentioned.

  • Your work experience will be accessed and applicants must have worked in any of the following National Occupational (NOC) before he/she can be qualified to apply for the Federal Skilled Trade Workers Program
  • The Major Group 72, construction, industrial, and electrical works
  • The Major Group 73, maintenance and equipment works trades
  • The Major Group 82, supervisors, Agriculture and technical jobs in natural resources and other productions in the field
  • The Major Group 92, processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators
  • Minor Group 633, butchers and bakers
  • Minor Group 632, cooks and chefs
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Applicants must at least have two years work experience in his/her specified field and the work must be paid and accounted for according to the minimum wage. free works and unpaid internship are not considered for the counting. Students part time works or any other type of part time job can be counted with equal hours of work time as far as the work time is equivalence of the two years experience (counting per hour).

Note: There’s no educational requirements for this type of express entry program. All individuals irrespective of your educational background can apply for this type of program as far as other requirements are met.

Canadian Experience Class

The Canadian Experience Class is a category of express entry program mainly for foreigners of other countries who have Canadian work experience and are willing to apply for a permanent residency status in Canada. In this case, such individual have already gotten a temporary residency status in Canada but willing to permanently settle in the county. This type of express entry immigration program is much easy and flexible as far as the criteria are met and all other factors which may be considered are kept.

The assessment of the Canadian experience class is based on mainly two factors work experience and language proficiency.

Work Experience

Individuals wishing to apply to this program must have at least one year of Canadian work experience while living in Canada to be qualified. This can be met in different ways depending on your type of work and the schedule time. You can work on a normal route for up to 30hours per week and up to 1,560 in a year or the equivalence of the counted time for a part time work or internships

Note: only paid works are normally considered,  voluntary works and free internships are not considered for the eligibility.

Language Proficiency

Applicants of the Experience Class program are required to meet a certain language proficiency threshold points in the two Canadian official languages, French & English Language. Individuals are accessed in the following skills

~ writing

~ reading

~ listening

~ speaking

You’re expected to have a minimum score of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 in all the 4 respectively.

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